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Thursday, April 21, 2011


I got three pairs of Louboutins soled with red vibrams a couple of days ago and I picked them up today. Everyone recommends the Quick Cobbler on West 2nd. I've only been to 2 places and there is a big difference! The first place I went to was somewhere near my house, just a random one. And they drew on my shoes and used a sharpie!

 Near my house place
They even drew on the shoe

The one near my house place compared with Quick Cobbler

Quick Cobbler compared to the one near my house

 Quick Cobbler

 Quick Cobbler

 Quick Cobbler

 Quick Cobbler

Proper paint job done on the sides

Place near my house

A sharpie was used on the sides and it even got on the bottom of the vibrams. There were even marks on the arch of the shoe where it sys Christian Louboutin, and just looked messy!


  1. I love your blog !
    so follow me if you want ;)
    have a nice day !

  2. Wow. Although it's on the bottom of your shoe and no one will ever see I would of been so mad if they drew on my Louboutin's like that. They should of re-done it or pay for a new pair. That's ridiculous.



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